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What’s Bigger Than AI in 2024? Scott Galloway Reveals Hidden Threats and Opportunities

I have long followed Scott Galloway and recently had the chance to meet him in person. As a professor at NYU and a well-known thought-leader, Scott is famous for his bold predictions, sharp insights and often delightful irreverence. His talk at TED was a whirlwind of revelations, humor, and hard truths, leaving the audience both entertained and enlightened. With his signature wit, he opened by joking about his failed TV series, then dove into a serious discussion about the economic challenges facing younger generations. His main message was clear: we need to do better for our kids.

2024 According to Scott Galloway: OMR24 Predictions

I’d like to focus this post on his predictions for this year though, shared recently at OMR24 in Hamburg. Here are some of the highlights that stood out to me:

1. TikTok’s Growing Dominance

Scott Galloway believes that TikTok is not just a social media platform but a significant security threat. He likened its influence to the Kremlin controlling major U.S. TV stations during the Cold War. TikTok’s powerful algorithm knows what users want before they do, and Scott warns that this level of control over young minds is dangerous. He predicts that TikTok will soon challenge Netflix and Spotify by using its algorithm to dominate more of our entertainment time.

2. Peak AI Valuations…and Google Strikes Back

While AI is undoubtedly important, Scott suggests that its market valuations have peaked. He expects companies like Alphabet (Google) to catch up quickly due to their vast data resources. The future of AI, according to Scott, lies in making our lives easier in practical ways, like managing travel plans or coordinating schedules.

If, like me, you watched OpenAI’s GPT 4o announcement (perfectly timed to preempt Google) and demos recently, followed by Google I/O, it’s clear that the AI race is heating up. Google, likely feeling the heat, really went overboard this time, infusing AI into pretty much all aspects of their products, mentioning it over a 120 times. It’ll also be interesting to see how Apple catches up…my bet is a collaboration with OpenAI and a smarter Siri (long overdue), possibly announced at WWDC in June.

3. Disruption in U.S. Healthcare

One of Scott’s boldest predictions is that AI will revolutionize the U.S. healthcare industry. He criticizes the current system as expensive but ineffective for most people. AI’s potential to streamline and improve healthcare services could be a game-changer, especially in a country where medical costs are a significant burden.

The great news is we’re already seeing evidence of this on a regular basis in the news…from faster MRI scanning using AI, to new drug discovery using Deepmind’s Alpha Fold 3, the future for medicine looks bright with AI.

4. The Impact of GLP-1 Drugs: Even Bigger than AI

Scott identifies GLP-1 drugs, used for treating obesity and diabetes, as the most impactful technology of the last decade (and likely to have even more impact on the global economy this year than AI). These drugs can significantly improve health outcomes by addressing obesity, which he calls a “pandemic that kills more people annually than COVID-19.” The potential benefits include better health, more exercise, and even less alcohol consumption.

5. Loneliness: The Hidden Threat of AI

Perhaps the most provocative prediction is about the social impact of AI. Scott argues that the greatest threat posed by AI isn’t technological but emotional—loneliness. He highlights the growing epidemic of loneliness, especially among men, and warns that AI-driven social platforms can make this worse. His advice is simple: reach out to your friends and check in on them genuinely.

As I watched OpenAI’s GPT-4o demoes a few days ago, I definitely got “her” vibes…and I think that was wholly intentional (this tweet by Sam Altman proves it):

I do think getting ourselves (and especially our kids) hooked onto screens, virtual worlds and now AI companions can be a slippery slope, which can lead to underdeveloped social skills, isolation and missing out on the best bits of the human experience. Something we’ll need to watch carefully and combat, for sure. Here’s an older post you may also find interesting:

Economic Predictions and Call to Action

Scott also made several economic predictions. He believes TikTok will be divested to American interests due to its security risks, and he sees a bright future for companies involved in GLP-1 drugs. He also points out that productivity and innovation are suffering because of current economic policies, suggesting higher taxes on the wealthy to encourage more investment in public goods.

He ended his talk with a poignant call to action: combat loneliness by reaching out to friends and making real connections. Scott’s message is clear—we have the resources to fix these problems, but it takes collective will and effort.

You can watch the full talk here:

Wrap Up

Scott Galloway’s predictions for 2024 are both thought-provoking and urgent. From TikTok’s growing dominance to the transformative potential of AI and GLP-1 drugs, his insights challenge us to rethink our future. Perhaps the most poignant takeaway is the need to address loneliness in our increasingly digital world. As we look ahead, it’s crucial to consider these perspectives and work collectively to create a better world for the next generation. What steps will you take to embrace these changes and address these challenges?

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